Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Decision to Draw

One day in late August of 2015 I was feeling a little bored and looking for something to invest my time in. I am retired, as is my husband, and while I enjoy spending time with him I also cherish my 'alone' time. For years I have been a PaperCrafter. I have made hundreds of greeting cards and also taught classes in my local community. Now I have boxes of cards that I love sending and sharing. I have also spent a lot of time scrapbooking the early years of my children. Now that they have all flown the coop, I don't have as much interest. So.......what next?

One day I was surfing the internet and came upon a YouTube video of someone drawing with pencil. It took me back to when I was in 3rd grade and I began reminiscing about how I loved to draw and doodle. So I figured, why not explore this art form? So I went to good old Hobby Lobby and picked up a 'drawing kit' and came home, ready to get started.

After watching "How to Draw a Female Face - Step By Step" by Circle Line Art School I pulled out a photo of my daughter and put graphite to paper. Here is the result of that first attempt.

Yes, I know.....yikes. Didn't even come close to looking like my little girl.

So back to YouTube for some schooling!!!!!

Yesterday I took out another picture of my daughter and this is what the result is!!!!! Huge improvement. This scanned image doesn't even do the drawing justice.

So I hope you will join me on my journey. I would love to hear from other aspiring artists out there. Gentle critiques, suggestions, encouragement Welcome. I would also love to see your work. 

Thanks again for stopping by.  Please say Hello in the comments section. If you have a blog or other social media site that you would like to share with me, please do so in the comments section. I will stop by and say hello and check out your work as well.